"What do I have to do to lose weight", my daughter muttered, staring at the mirror. I kept walking past the bathroom since I didn't think the question wasn't particularly aimed at me but it did get me to wondering. The simple answer for her would be to eat fewer calories than she expended each day, but real-life doesn't always work on such simplistic formulas. There are so many factors such as stress, levels of physical activity, genes, emotional make up, etc. If the answer to "what do I have to do to lose weight?" were that simple we'd all be walking around looking like we'd just come from a photo shoot on 5th avenue.

How to trim down fast

Later when I broached the subject with her in a gentle manner she opened up and like most of us she wanted to trim down and trim down fast. To trim down fast we need to eat fewer calories than we burn, but we must consider other factors that can help us sustain this. Eating fewer calories than we burn is not all that fun and can be an emotional drain on us. So to trim down fast we must figure out a way to eat fewer calories than we burn and have enough emotional power to keep it up. Here are the ways to trim down fast and stick with it.

* Since all of our fat naturally leaves our bodies through metabolic burning we should increase our metabolic rate. Turn up the furnace so to speak.
* Vary our calorie in take to keep the body from "turning down" it metabolism.
* Find ways to reward ourselves for success.
* Take scheduled breaks from our low calorie routines to freshen our spirits.

With these elements in place we should be able to trim down fast.

Do I have to exercise to lose weight?

The short answer is no, but is we want to turn up the body's metabolic furnace then there is no better way. In fact the only other ways to do it are to increase your eating which is counter productive if done wrong and taking thermogenic stimulants which can be dangerous to your health.

Exercise does not and should not be exhausting Simply walking briskly for 30 minutes 3 times a week is a good start. Better yet, find an activity such as racquetball or tennis that you love and do it 3 times a week. There are great diet guides available on the Internet such as the EODD Diet that can teach you exactly how to trim down fast and do it in a fun way. Guides like EODD will teach you how to use all of the principals I have outlined in this article. Use your imagination to see yourself as you will be 6 months from now with your new trimmed down body.

Put it all together

So remember, eat fewer calories than you burn, take scheduled breaks from your low calorie routine, and increase your metabolism and you will trim down fast. Buy a good guide such as the EODD and let it help you succeed beyond what you thought was possible!

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Health agencies blame weight gain and excess stomach fat on gluttonous attitudes and overeating, as well as a lack of physical exercise as the exclusive reasons for our national problem with obesity.

There are other factors, however, such as metabolic issues that cause us to gain weight even if we cutback on our calorie consumption. Ever wonder why you can't lose weight while cutting calories?

Well, science finally has some answers, and they're natural compounds that function together, synergistically, to help you lose that excess accumulation of body fat.

So, what may these new natural compounds do for us?

1. Enhance resting energy expenditure-more calories burned while you function normally.

2. Slow the absorption of dietary fat from the intestines.

3. Reduce the absorption of carbohydrates into your bloodstream, including slowing the intake of starches and sugars as well.

4. Reducing hunger and stimulate the breakdown of stored triglycerides.

5. Support the youthful levels of insulin sensitivity.

6. Reduction of starches ingested that covert to triglycerides and are stored as fat.

You are probably asking yourself what are these wonder nutrients, and how can I incorporate them inta program that will work for me? Well, a few of these natural products are special green tea extracts as well as specialized seaweed complexes, natural bean extracts and the West African wild mango as well as the wonderful rain forest antioxidant powerhouse acai.

You're probably also saying to yourself that this is all well and fine, but where is the proof that science has an answer, and how will this work for me?

How about a recent clinical study showing the average weight loss of 30 pounds and a reduction of 10% in waist line circumference in 90 days just from this new green tea extract, compared with a placebo group that lost only 9.9 pounds and 5% of their waist size while reducing their caloric intake as well?

More clinical trials published by the Journal of Medial Science relay studies showing a loss of 6.5 pounds and1.2 inches off your waist in 30 days on a carbohydrate rich diet by taking only the natural bean extracts?

Recent lab testing has shown that proprietary seaweeds can reduce the caloric impact of sugary foods up to 90%, effectively blocking most carbohydrate absorption and the further caloric impact of starchy, sugared foods into our bodies. This alone may be one of the best ways to lose body fat.

In recent studies, West African food source extracts have been shown to reduce pervasive hunger, slow carb absorption, reduce caloric impact of sugars and starches, and maintain insulin sensitivity, which may help prevent the onset of diabetes.

These, and other clinical trials prove conclusively that mother nature provides us many ways to lose that stomach fat now, naturally.

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We all realize how important it is to our overall well-being to eat healthy food. Poor diet contributes to a variety of negatives. It encourages excessive weight gain. It reduces energy levels. It makes us more vulnerable to illness and disease. Eating "the good stuff" should be a priority for all of us.

Fortunately, many of us have taken that lesson to heart and are making a conscious effort to purchase healthy food items. That's certainly a step in the right direction, but some of us inadvertently undermine progress after making those smart selections due to the way we prepare those healthful ingredients. We often cross the line and our healthy food ceases to retain its nutritional value or we find ways to overwhelm the good with a series of bad decisions.

One example is our tendency to overcook vegetables. By subjecting healthy food to an intense and lengthy cooking process, we reduce its nutritional value, cooking much of the vitamins and nutrients right out of the food. A fresh carrot is a wonderful thing. A carrot roasted in a crock pot in the drippings of a fatty pot roast for six hours is a vaguely carrot-flavored piece of mush that maintains very little of its original nutritional value.

Another example is our willingness to treat healthy items in incredibly healthy ways. There's no doubt that buying whole grain bread is better than purchasing a loaf of white bread. However, you undermine your efforts to live a healthier life when you slather two big slices of the whole gain alternative with several tablespoons of butter!

Eating a boneless, skinless chicken breast is better than choking down a fatty sausage, but when your chicken is swimming in a heavy cream sauce, it's hard to see a real health advantage to making the switch. There's nothing all that healthy about fresh mushrooms when their battered and fried. A salad is a wonderful idea. When it's dripping in ranch dressing and is topped with three fistfuls of croutons, it isn't really doing you much good.

Put simply, buying healthy food isn't enough. We need to treat it the right way after we make the purchase. Sure, there's some incremental gain involved if you do everything the same way with better ingredients, but that improvement is nothing compared to what you can do for yourself by using healthy foods in healthy ways.

Congratulate yourself of the decision to buy healthier ingredients. That's a great step in a much better direction. Now, challenge yourself to use those wonderful items in ways that will allow you to experience their full health benefit. If you cook your healthy food in smart ways, you'll begin to notice a significant difference in your health, appearance and energy levels.

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The use of sports nutrition is not limited to sports people, gym enthusiasts or even those that are on diet, however these products that are normally classified into the sports nutrition categories offer a great source of extremely important foodstuffs that are quite often lacking in our day to day diets.

With specific reference to the sports and training fraternity, the intake of protein is quite often underestimated and normally takes a back seat to the much touted and publicized carbohydrates for endurance. The result of this culminates in a reduced performance level, and many athletes thinking that they have mastered their sports nutrition needs wonder why their performance is not exactly what they are expecting it to be.

One only needs to think about the role that protein plays within the body, and once again this is relevant to the non athlete too. The major component of the human body is that of water, and the second component? Protein, therefore perhaps a little more attention to the protein needs of the human body must certainly be forthcoming, yet it continues to be underestimated.

As an active sports person it is also worth noting that the quality of sports nutrition also becomes extremely important and this becomes an issue of quality over quantity. This is also determined by the abbreviation commonly referred to as RDA, which stands for Recommended Daily Allowance. This figure provides for the medically research optimal amount of the specific food item or constituent that should be consumed on a daily basis.

The higher the quality of the sports nutrition supplement, the less and more concentrated the serving which in turn provides the required nutrients in accordance with the RDA levels, as well as the amounts of protein and in effect energy required for optimal performance. Sports nutrition products not only ensure optimal performance when consumed and used correctly by those that demand superior performance from their bodies, but also by people that are on diet, as well as those that are actually treated by medical professionals that utilize products such as whey protein to deal with muscle degenerative conditions and related diseases.

Sports nutrition and the related products categorized within this area, extend further into a number of additional items too. These items are in fact naturally occurring, but are lacking within our diet and therefore supplementation has become necessary. Examples of these include the creatine and glutamine supplements that have been popular for many years amongst athletes, sports people and the muscle building communities.

One of the key issues surrounding this topic is that the correct intake of these items can boost the users level of performance on a natural, and legal basis.

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A yeast free diet is something that anyone who suffers from the pain, suffering and embarrassment of a yeast infection - whether it be of the vagina, penis, mouth or skin. If you cannot seem to get rid of candida, then you should seriously consider altering your diet to reduce your consumption of foods that might be contributing to excessive yeast in your body. This article will review what you should (and should not) eat when eliminating yeast from your diet.

Everyone has some level of the yeast candida fungus in their bodies. The problem becomes when the yeast levels rise to the point that they find a place in the body to migrate to and multiply - causing a rash, burning, itching and frequent pain and discomfort. For many people - applying anti-fungal remedies (either topical or oral) get the yeast levels back under control. However - some people seem to have problems with frequent and reoccurring candida infections and need to take further steps to get rid of the problem. Enter the yeast free diet. A diet which reduces yeast levels limits or eliminates certain types of foods that increase levels of candida in the body. These foods that one should avoid include anything that is made with yeast, fermented foods, sugar, dairy products, alcohol (that breaks down into sugar when digested) as well as starches.

Foods to eliminate or avoid on a yeast free diet

Get rid of foods that contain yeast - including pastries, cookies, breads, rolls and pretzels. Condiments that you should avoid include salad dressings that contain sugar, barbecue sauce, mayonnaise, mustard and pickles. Alcohol intake should be minimal - particularly beer as yeast is one of its ingredients. Stay away from foods that are 'moldy' - including all cheeses as well as smoked, picked or dried meats. Mushrooms, pistachios, peanuts and bacon should be on the 'do not eat' list. Probably the biggest thing to eliminate is any foods that contain sugar - whether it be brown, confectioners, or granulated. Maple syrup and high-fructose corn syrup should be avoided. Also - certain fruits that are high in fructose should be eliminated - including dates, figs, prunes, raisins and grapes. Asian foods and condiments to limit include tempeh, miso, tamari and anything made with soy sauce. Probably the hardest food to stay away from (but you should) is chocolate. Starchy foods to eliminate include potatoes as well as corn.

Foods you can eat on a yeast free diet

OK - you are thinking 'what exactly can I eat' - here is the list. Think 'healthy'. Eat as many vegetables (except) corn as you can - especially any that have dark green leafs. All varieties of beans are a 'good thing'. Most meats are a 'go' - including poultry, fish, shellfish beef and pork (as long as it is uncured). Eggs (which are a good source of protein) are good for you. Stick to whole grains - including buckwheat, couscous, rice, barley and millet. If you are going to eat pasta - make it whole grain - made of spelt, rice or corn. Seeds and nuts are good for you as long as they are unprocessed. If you need an oil to cook with, make it unrefined - the type that you need to refrigerate.

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