The broad use of the definition of Aromatherapy according to Websters Dictionary is: the use of aroma to enhance a feeling of well being. That is something we all do and have done. It may be a feeling triggered by the smell of freshly mowed grass, the smell in the air after a Spring shower and even the fragrant scent of a fresh baked pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving.

The Main use is: therapy using essential oils and water based colloids extracted from plant materials to promote physical, emotional and spiritual health. Included in this type of use for Aromatherapy is sore and tired muscles, headaches and other physical needs.

Anyone can use Aromatherapy, it could be in the form of a candle, a diffuser, direct use to the skin or even scent a bath. For the more intricate use for physical health it is advised that you contact an Aromatherapist. Some essential oils must be mixed with a base oil before applying them to your skin. And always consult an Aromatherapist before ingesting any essential oil or water based colloids extracted from plant materials.

It is up to you to determine what you want to achieve with Aromatherapy. It can be anything from stress relief to invigorating stimuli. Through the internet you can find almost any type of essential oil and supplies for Aromatherapy. Keep in mind that even though the quantity of an essential oil that you purchase may seem expensive a little goes a long way in your use of Aromatherapy.

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Candida (or candida albicans) is a yeast-like fungus that lives in the body, mainly in the intestine, mouth, throat and genital area. It's quite normal, and doesn't cause any problems unless it becomes out of balance, where it can affect the immune system. When the candida does get out of balance it travels through the bloodstream to other parts of the body, resulting in symptoms that are many and varied.

There are several things that can cause candida albicans to spread in this way, including stress, poor diet, medications (particularly antibiotics and oral contraceptives).

The most effective candida treatment includes several things:

* Changes in diet Avoiding foods that encourage the growth of yeast, such as sugar, yeast products and processed foods
* Cleansing/removal of the candida This can be done using herbs, but it is important that it is done in a way that supports the organs of elimination as they remove the dead cells from the body
* Avoidance of drugs and other factors that promote candida growth Drugs such as anti-biotics and oral contraceptives contribute to the spread of Candida
* Correction of nutritional deficiencies Strengthening the body's immune system, which will have become weakened as the Candida yeast takes over

Candida overgrowth is also known as candidiasis. It can be quite difficult to detect because it can infect various parts of the body, resulting in many different symptoms, including things like constipation, diarrhea, colitis, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, depression, arthritis, to name just a few. Once identified, however, if all of the above areas are included in the candida treatment, it is possible to restore a healthy balance and eliminate the symptoms.

Many people suffer from candida overgrowth and yet are not aware that this is the cause of the symptoms they are experiencing. Candida treatment is not something that is often recognized by many medical doctors, and yet once the candida is addressed, symptoms often disappear.

Linda Binns is a Personal Growth coach and consultant, specializing in Holistic Nutrition and 'Conscious' Feng Shui, which means working with the environment (both internal and external) to help people live more peaceful, productive and satisfying lives. She provides information, tools, guidance and community to those looking for ways to be more productive and successful.

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What causes flushing? The truth is, it's different for every individual. When a person's face turns red, it can be due to a variety of different factors ranging from emotions to eating something too spicy.

Here's what causes flushing. There are other contributors but these are the most common:

1. Erythrophobia - This is the term used to describe a fear of blushing. People who fear the act of blushing can develop a phobia which persists. This fear of blushing causes people to avoid situations in which they may turn red in front of others.

2. Social Anxiety - This form of anxiety causes people to be fearful of crowds and social situations. Not everyone with social phobia fear the act of blushing but when faced with a crowded room, they often turn red.

3. Shyness - This commonly causes flushing. When people are shy they are often embarrassed easily and blush for the slightest things.

4. Emotions - Many different emotions can cause blushing. Embarrassment causes flushing, just as much as anger, happiness, lovingness, etc.

5. Rosacea - Rosacea is a medical condition which causes a person's face to turn red. It also causes tiny red pustules to form on the face.

6. Hot or Spicy Food - These can cause flushing and runny noses for many people.

7. Alcohol - This also often causes flushing. Many people drink thinking that they will become more confident in social situations. It often makes their blushing worse.

There are other causes of flushing but these are the most common. If you want to control your blushing episodes, you need to first understand WHY you blush and then go from there.

Taking control of your blushing and your life is possible. Click in the following link to learn simple techniques to end your blushing once and for all.


Want more information on what blushing is? Click here to find out more about face blushing and erythrophobia.

Remember - your blushing will only last as long as YOU let it.

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Healthy aging remains a question for people in their 50s. Well stop wondering and do something about your health. Let's admit that a lot of older people believe that exercise is no longer needed when they reach a certain age because the body is physically weak and exercising might cause injuries. It doesn't matter what your age is, the point is it's never too late to start getting fit and healthier. The body responds to physical activities at any age. Did you know that people over 65, more than any other age group, require ample fitness activities to help them maintain independence, balance and coordination? Studies show that regular exercise even during this age significantly reduces the risk of certain diseases.

Without regular physical activities, people who are over 50 may experience health problems like reduced muscle mass, strength and physical endurance, reduced cardiovascular and respiratory function, reduced bone strength, increased fat levels, high blood pressure and increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Engaging in physical benefits have countless benefits like increasing the muscle mass in just a short period of time, improves bone density therefore delays or prevents bone loss, improves cardiovascular and respiratory functions, improves overall flexibility and helps in burning calories to make us lose that extra weight. Instead of staying at home the whole day and spend all your time reading, why don't you devote one or two hours a day being active. Some people even get significant results just by exercising for 30 minutes a day, 3 or 4 times a week.

Choose a workout routine that you will enjoy the most whether it's walking, body building, water aerobics or cycling. All of these exercises will give you the benefits mentioned above. Healthy eating needs to be paired with your workout routine. It doesn't make much any sense that you exercise regularly but your diet is consist of pizza, burgers, fries, junk food and ice cream. Opt for healthier alternatives like whole grain products, lean cuts of meat (grilled not fried) and increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Avoid commercial products which are high in trans fatty acids like cake mixes, cookies, muffins and margarine. Trans fat has no use but to extend product shelf life and it is said to be worst than saturated fats. Lastly, increase your water intake and forget about soda or beer. Water is the best drink you can ever have. Add lemon to your water if you want an extra zest. Water helps flush out toxins from the body.

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Personal Health Organizer - Keep Track of Your Numbers For Better Health Outcomes
By Brent Aleshire Platinum Quality Author

Having knowledge of your key numbers is an important way to keep track of your health. In addition, it has been observed that more effective information gathering by patients, and more conversation with their physician during office visits was related to better health status.

What are your health numbers? When were they last checked? What do they mean? Are they close to normal? The answers to these questions are very important to your overall well-being. Remember, knowledge is power. This is a perfect opportunity for you to take control of your health care.

Know Your Numbers

An actively involved health care consumer should always know their important numbers. These numbers can alert you of any trends or potential risks in your health status. Here is a list of several key numbers you should have access to and track.

1. Blood Pressure
2. Pulse
3. Total Cholesterol
4. LDL ("Bad") Cholesterol
5. HDL ("Good") Cholesterol
6. Triglycerides
7. Fasting Glucose
8. Waist Circumference
9. Body Mass Index

Your primary care physician may have other numbers for you to track. For most health conditions there key numbers you need to know. Ask your physician about the latest research related to your condition. Once you know your numbers, you can set and reach specific targets with your physician.

Taking an active role in your own medical care may be one of the most important decisions of your life. Your level of participation can be dramatically increased through the use of a personal health organizer. Use it to keep track of your key numbers for better health outcomes.

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1. Are you prepared to become your past picture? I hope so. Test out these last minute weight loss tips on getting the body you've for all time desired and transform your body now.

2. You are in control of your body system. If you live an inactive lifestyle, then your system is going to be inactive. Unless you have a thyroid trouble, you can enhance consumption of your system. You can achieve this by eating 5-6 meals a day. Your system remains constantly active which enhances calorie use. Constant inclusion of nutrients will increase your liveliness levels and you'll discover yourself being more energetic during the day.

3. Start today! Don't be indecisive. There is no explanation to wait till next day to start a hale and hearty living plan. Don't leave it as last minute weight loss plan and take steps to transform your body now.

4. Planning your exercises as a first thing in the morning will enhance your fat loss. Your body is ready for burning fat as soon as you wake up. Drink a glass of water before and after your exercise. Getting the blood flowing earlier than you eat breakfast can significantly boost weight loss. Exercise is very essential to transform your body.

5. Strength is good even for ladies. Let's imagine about it for a minute. Muscle burn up more calories as compared to fat. A pound of muscle will melt around 50 calories. Add 10 pounds of muscle during the current year and you will be melting 500 more calories in a day. Each week you will be using 3500 additional calories which is equal to 1 pound of fat. It is a widespread misinterpretation that lifting weights will make you fat. This just isn't true. So get lifting and transform your body.

6. In order to transform your body, nourishment will play a large means to achievement. Read an exercise and nutritional magazine. If you write down what you're doing, you will be more expected to attain your objectives. You can become skilled at from what you do in the earlier period and you won't retain the information what you've done with no writing it down.

7. Don't eat big portions! Try and consume a mixture of carbohydrate, a protein, and a fat every meal. Your exercise should be your main item, protein 2nd, and fats should be the minimum. I propose each meal should only be able to fill up a smaller part of your stomach. Multiple and smaller meals will be helpful to transform your body.

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Is Silver Good For You? the answer is yes

With all the talk about gold and other precious metals rising in value, one topic that has resurfaced lately is the possible health benefit of silver. Colloidal silver has been used in treating illnesses and wounds since the beginning of medical thought and theory. Paracelsus, a fifteenth-century alchemist, wrote about the healing power of silver in his famous medical tracts. Maybe he got the idea from Hippocrates, who wrote and taught that silver could prevent disease. This is why ancient people used silver-lined vessels for drinking water. Another benefit from this was that it kept the water tasting fresh.

Not that there are many ancient Greek writings on how fresh the water tasted out of silver-lined vessels. In more modern times silver has been used to fight off bacteria. American pioneers would drop a silver coin into their canteens to keep their water tasting pure. They'd also put a silver coin into milk to keep it fresh when they couldn't keep it cold. Also, flatware was (and is, if you can afford it) made out of silver. This is because silver was thought to protect the body from illness.

Silver does have antibiotic properties. In one experiment, a scientist set out to prove this point. He injected some silver colloids (which are compounds of silver suspended in water or some other liquid) into a culture of a type of E.coli bacteria. The silver killed all of the E.coli within six minutes of contact. That is fairly compelling evidence that there is some truth to the idea that silver can protect us from disease.

But to what end? Prior to the wide release of antibiotic treatment, silver was used to treat infection. Antibiotics came along, and doctors stopped prescribing silver-based treatments. In the late nineties there was a resurgence of advertising via the internet; claiming that colloidal silver was some kind of panacea - that it could cure everything from malaria to leprosy and everything in between. In early 2003, reported that there was a rise in the occurrence of argyria - a condition brought on by ingesting too much silver. The silver actually collects in the skin and turns it gray, blue, or purple. The condition is permanent.

Because of this, and the fact that ingesting too much silver can cause coma or even death, the FDA no longer allows producers of colloidal silver "remedies" to claim any sort of health benefit, although producers are allowed to call their product a "health supplement." Some people swear by using silver supplements, like Stan Jones, a senate candidate who manufactured his own silver supplement when he was afraid that the year 2000 would bring an end to the availability of antibiotics. Sure, he's sort of gray, but he claims that his health has been better because of his silver consumption.

On the other hand, Rosemary Jacobs is an argyria-sufferer who speaks out against the use of colloidal silver as a health remedy or supplement. She used some eye drops containing silver back in the fifties and her skin has been gray ever since. She saw the advertising that starting hitting TVs and computers at Y2K and decided to speak out. She started her own website to debunk the "snake oil" that turned her gray and she has done a lot of research on the contents of many of the "health supplements" that contain silver.

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So You Have Plantar Fasciitis - An Explanation of Its Cause and Your Treatment

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of foot pain and many Americans seek treatment for pain relief and a return to normal foot function. Unfortunately, the cause of this condition as well as the treatment required to achieve relief can be a little complicated. It requires medical care. Although most people see a podiatrist for this condition, it is also treated by some orthopedic surgeons and less commonly by family physicians. During the brief time one has with their physician in this day and age of heavily packed offices, a full explanation may not be possible or it may seem confusing initially, even at the foot specialist’s office. The purpose of this article is to shed some light on the general causes of plantar fasciitis and the treatment usually given, for those of you who have been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and may still be confused by what you have and what you can do to get rid of it.

So your doctor has diagnosed you with plantar fasciitis....

The plantar fascia is a band of rubbery tissue under the foot arch that connects to the heel at one end, and the ball of the foot at the other end. Your plantar fascia has been injured. This has likely occurred over a long period of time. Most people with this condition have it because the foot is flattening excessively, which creates strain on this tissue every time one takes a step. Over time, this strain has allowed microscopic tearing of the fascia to occur, which is now worsening daily. A much smaller percentage of people have this condition due to an arch that is too high. In this case, the foot cannot absorb shock well enough because it cannot flatten, which under normal circumstances is how the body absorbs the shock of walking. The plantar fascia becomes inflamed during the process of excess shock being transmitted to the heel and arch. On rare occasions, plantar fasciitis can be caused by injuries due to stepping on a blunt object, excessive use of ladders or stairs, or even ruptures due to various foot injuries. Your doctor likely has explained to you what the cause of your specific fasciitis is. If not, ask him or her to explain this better.

Many people associate their heel and arch pain with a heel spur. Although spurs are often present with this condition on the heel bone, they are rarely ever a contributing cause to foot pain. They simply represent an additional growth of bone tissue in response to the inflammation and strain that is occurring where the plantar fascia attaches to the heel bone. Because you walk parallel with the direction of the spur, instead of the spur facing down into the bottom of the heel tissue, it is not contributing to your pain. You may or may not have a heel spur, and your doctor will likely have seen this on any x-rays taken during your examination.

It is quite common for other tissue to be inflamed along with the plantar fascia. This includes nerve tissue that runs along the side of and under the heel. There can even be entrapment of a large nerve that runs around the inside of the ankle bone and passes through a structure called the tarsal tunnel. A condition can develop in the ankle similar to carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist that can include heel pain as one of its symptoms. This condition can be present with plantar fasciitis or appear on its own.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis usually involves two steps performed at the same time. The first step is reduction of the inflammation causing the main symptom of pain, at both the fascia and surrounding nerves. You would likely have been given stretching and icing instructions to help make the fascia more limber and reduce inflammation. Be sure to perform them as instructed without skipping days. If medically appropriate, your doctor may have put you on anti-inflammatory medication. It is important you take this as directed daily. It is not a ‘pain pill’ per se, and may not provide an immediate or noticeable sense of pain improvement. It works to reduce your body’s overall inflammatory state, and may take 2-3 weeks to achieve that. You should report any stomach upset or other adverse effects as soon as they occur. Occasionally some patients experience these problems with anti-inflammatory medication. Often, physicians will inject the pain site with a steroid medication. This acts to reduce the inflammation directly in the heel. Most people have significant reduction of their pain after one to three injections split apart by two weeks each. The injections may take up to a week to work, and on rare occasion some people have a one to two day increase in their pain following the injection if the body initially is sensitive to the crystals of the steroid in the tissue. It is unusual and ill-advised to have more than four or so injections during the immediate treatment period, especially if one is have little to no relief. The steroid crystals will eventually accumulate in the heel tissue, and can cause internal tissue irritation if excessive amounts are placed in the heel. Although not toxic, this excessive accumulation can make the heel and arch worse off.

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If you follow some of the simple rules for body growth then you may not have to look for information on how to become taller. Some of these rules are common sense factors and some of them are facts based on scientific research. For example research indicates that artificial human growth hormone can cause a lot of side effects and health complications and hence needed to be avoided.

The first important thing to maintain growth and become taller is to follow a routine in your day to day life. A haphazard lifestyle often leads to hormonal imbalance. This results in reduced activity of the pituitary glands. If your pituitary glands are not fully active then the supply of human growth hormone will get adversely impacted. So maintain a proper routine if you want to increase height naturally and gradually.

Another major reason for stunted growth is physical inactivity. Don't just remain confined to your home or office. Take out some time for exercise. If possible go to a park where you can breathe some fresh air. Alternately visit a gymnasium regularly. Regular physical activity will keep your bones strong and healthy. Exercise also makes your bones and muscles flexible.

The third key factor that makes or breaks growth is a well balanced diet. Have a diet that has a good mix of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin and minerals. This can come from a combination of foods like chicken, whole grains, sprouts, milk, fruits and vegetables. A proper diet will help you maintain proper body metabolism and grow taller naturally. This will also help in preventing excess weight. Along with a balanced diet you also need some good rest everyday.

Following these tips will not only satisfy your information appetite on how to become taller naturally and increase height, but also maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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These days' even women long to have six-pack abs. Getting the six-pack abs is the right combination of diet and exercises. Apart from doing the exercises it is also important that you have the right diet, which is rich in proteins and fibers so that you burn calories and also don't fall short of energy. Another important factor that females need to focus is on staying motivated to get the six-pack abs.

For females it is advised that they should not work out on their abs for more than three times in a week. Plan out the abs exercises on alternate days so that they exercising should not result in stress. It is also important to do the right exercises with correct postures. When you start a workout for six-pack abs, then you will be mainly doing abdominal exercises. However, it is equally important to burn the fat that can be done with cardiovascular exercises.

The first exercise that can help you with building abs is cycling. For this exercise lie on your back and raise your knees towards your chest. Put your hand behind your head and slowly move your knees towards the chest in a cycling manner. The lower part of your leg should be in a position that is parallel to the ground.

Second exercise is doing crunches. For this exercise also lie on your back and hold your hands behind your lower head. Fold your legs and touch them with the thighs. Now gradually move your upper body and shoulders. You can start with doing 10-15 crunches in a day but don't overdo them.

For the third exercise lie on your back, and cross your legs one by one over each other, having raise them at an angle of 30ยบ. This helps in toning of the lower abdominal muscles.

Doing the right exercises can help you get the six-pack abs. However, for women it is advised that they shouldn't go overboard with abdominal exercises as it can cause hormonal problems.

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Tips to Avoid Food Poisoning or how to Avoid Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is a blanket term that refers to a number of health issues caused by bacterial infections, viruses, and parasites that you can ingest with your food. Doctors say that you actually get food poisoning more often than you think; they purport that every time you have diarrhea lasting longer than 24 hours, it is actually a food-borne illness and not just a "stomach bug." Food poisoning can easily be avoided if you prepare your food correctly and safely. This article will outline some tips to help keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe.

There are a number of ways in which food products can become carriers for organisms and viruses that cause all of the health problems associated with food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning are typically nausea and diarrhea, but it can even cause fever, muscle fatigue, and paralysis in the more extreme cases.

When you are preparing food at home, there are a number of steps that you can take to avoid sickening yourself and your loved ones. Here is a quick look at methods you can adapt to protect yourself from catching these food-borne illnesses.

Botulism. The bacterial called botulism usually comes from canned goods. Therefore, be sure to not store food in cans once you have opened them. It is much smarter to switch the leftovers into a plastic container or plastic bag to keep botulism from growing in it. Also, as botulism may come on fresh foods like tomatoes and peppers, keeping these produce items refrigerated can help you. Additionally, serve the food still warm from its preparation.

Salmonella. Salmonella is another type of harmful bacteria that you can ingest. It tends to appear in raw items, such as eggs, meat, and unpasteurized milk. Therefore, make sure that you cook your foods thoroughly, and stay away from foods that have "hidden" raw ingredients, such as raw eggs in Caesar salad dressing. Also, salmonella is easily transferable from item to item, so try not to cross-contaminate while cooking. Use one cutting board and knife for meat, and another for your vegetables.

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